Many people feel that toilet paper is used only for in the bathroom. Well, I beg to differ. Toilet paper is a wonderful source of fun. There are so many things you can use toilet paper for. I tend to do a few activities with the same toilet paper so i am not as wasteful with our resources. For the first activity, I gave each child a roll of toilet paper and told them to have fun. This way they are not told exactly what to do and they have the freedom to do with it whatever they wish. Many threw it, some rolled it on the floor, and some started to make mummies out of their friends and teachers.
Above is Miss Cheryl being wrapped in toilet paper for the second time. They first did so in the room and as we went to find Miss Meg, Miss Cheryl sat down and they got her again.
Miss Meg Trying to take a picture on her cell phone to show how much fun the kids were having.
A younger child laughing at an older one because he was wrapped in toilet paper.
Unrolling some toilet paper.
Ready, set, THROW!!!
Miss Cheryl after the kids got ahold of her.
Miss Paulina sharing a moment with those who TP-ed her.
A MUMMY HUG, Miss Paulina shares a hug with a child!!
This is one simple activity done with toilet paper. After this i make clean mud once or twice depending on the amount of toilet paper used. Clean mud is a mixture of ripped toilet paper(about 4-6 rolls), a bar of Ivory soap, shaved, and warm water. This is a lot of fun and has an interesting texture.
The first activity incorporates more that just throwing toilet paper around. There is social interaction and language skills, through the children talking to one another planning what to do. They are also working together to wrap the teachers and other children. This is both a large and fine motor activity, because they are moving their full body(large motor) by running, jumping, crawling etc. with the toilet paper and are throwing, ripping, pulling, etc. with their hands(fine motor). This also covers sensory because the children are pulling the TP apart and they feel the texture of the TP. The children also are learning science and problem solving skills every time they roll, throw, or try to cover someone with the TP. The children have to learn how hard they can throw it before it tears, how far it rolls before it tears, or even how tong they can wrap it before it tears. All of these skills are necessary in the growth and development of the children.
The second activity, the clean mud, is a wonderful sensory activity. It is a blast and the children love it.